Balcony Garden

A balcony garden is great if you live in the city & you still want to grow fresh food. It’s just one of the unique ways you can grow food anywhere. For example, you use gutter gardens if you’re low on space.

If you have enough sun exposure then you could grow a productive little balcony garden! There are more than a few cascading plants that can make your balcony look wonderful.

Today I wanted to share some crops that are great for urban container gardening. They also happen to have great dollar value which means that even with a small space, you can dent your grocery spending a little. I’ll also show you an example of a balcony garden design plan.

Balcony Garden tips

Balcony Garden Ideas

  1. Lettuce
  2. Indoor Lettuce
  3. Green Onions
  4. Potato Grow Towers
  5. Potatoes in Grow Bags
  6. Tomatoes
  7. Tomatoes upside down!
  8. Pineapple (inside)
  9. Dwarf Fruit Trees
  10. Cabbage
  11. Peppers
  12. Corn
  13. Mango tree
  14. Lettuce Gutter Garden
  15. Snap Peas
  16. Spinach
  17. Watermelon
  18. LOTS MORE Container Vegetables
  19. Container Fruit!
  20. Try Container Herbs

Balcony Gardening Design With Containers

The productive balcony garden

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