Beautiful Garden Potting Bench Plans + Ideas

A potting bench is something I’ve been dreaming about for years.

Because dirt shouldn’t be in the kitchen (unless it’s coming off of fresh homegrown veggies!). Most of us gardeners sow seeds indoors. We have an indoor greenhouse and grow light set up which means cleaning up soil inside, washing pots and seed trays inside (you should disinfect the seed trays, here’s why), and making a general mess inside.

Gorgeous Potting Bench
Gorgeous potting bench from Laura at Destro Photo

Potting Bench Plans

I gathered these ideas as I’m hoping we come up with our own DIY potting table this summer

DIY Wooden Potting Table

Detailed Instructions & plans from DIY Network

Upcycled potting bench with palletsUp-cycled potting bench from pallets from renoguide

Potting Table With Hidden Garbage

Potting table with hidden garbage from realitydaydream

Free potting bench plans

Potting table plans from BuildSomething

Pretty potting bench

Pretty potting table from MaryBeth

Building A Potting Bench

Potting table pdf from BeyondPaleo

Have you built a potting bench? Feel free to share yours in the comments, I’d love to see it!

Garden potting bench plans & ideas

2 thoughts on “Beautiful Garden Potting Bench Plans + Ideas”

    • I would LOVE to credit that photo Laura, I tried hard to find the original source. Would you like me to link to your main page or the original post it came from?


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