Container Gardening

'Fairytale Eggplant' grown in a container

Container gardening is a great way to grow fruits and vegetables!

Container gardening is perfect for those that are limited in space, are renting or want to increase your growing space.  Containers are wonderful for adding cascading plants, balcony gardening, and for vegetables or herbs that you frequently harvest so you can have them closer to your home and kitchen. This is just one unique way to grow food anywhere.

Here are some tips and a list of fruits and vegetables you can grow in containers.

Fruits or Vegetables you can Grow in Containers

  1. Lettuce
  2. Indoor Lettuce
  3. Green Onions
  4. Potato Grow Towers
  5. Potatoes in Grow Bags
  6. Tomatoes
  7. Tomatoes upside down!
  8. Pineapple (inside)
  9. Dwarf Fruit Trees
  10. Cabbage
  11. Peppers
  12. Corn
  13. Mango tree
  14. Lettuce Gutter Garden
  15. Snap Peas
  16. Grow spinach indoors
  17. Watermelon
  18. LOTS MORE Container Vegetables
  19. LOTS of Container Fruit!
  20. LOTS Container Herbs

Growing potatoes in burlap bags

General Container Gardening Tips & Inspiration

Source: Blog

Fruits and Vegetables you can Grow in Containers

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