It can be hard to build your own thought which is why many prefer a greenhouse kit. There are mini, small, or large greenhouse kits. If you can build your own greenhouse then perhaps you just need DIY greenhouse plans.

I’ve shared how we garden year-round in our large greenhouse, but many people don’t have space in their backyard for such a large greenhouse. A mini or small greenhouse, or even a portable greenhouse, is preferred for most backyards. You can either buy your small greenhouse or if you’re able to, build your own DIY greenhouse.
Today I’ll share with you where you can find Greenhouse Kits, Mini/Small Greenhouses for Sale & DIY Greenhouses

Things to consider before buying a greenhouse kit or making your DIY greenhouse.
Before you buy a greenhouse here are some things to think about:
- Where will you put your small greenhouse’?
- What spacing do you have? Make sure you measure the area well.
- Do you get lots of snow? How will that affect your purchasing? Keep in mind that you’ll need space around the greenhouse for snow removal.
- Have you checked for sun exposure?
- Do you have any city/urban restrictions to putting up a greenhouse of a certain size?
BC Greenhouse has a great post on things ‘your first greenhouse’.
Buying a Mini or Small Greenhouse Kit
Check your local garden centers if they carry mini or small greenhouses because many of them do. If not, below are some websites that specialize in selling greenhouses or links to where you can buy greenhouses online.
I’ll share the cheaper smaller greenhouses first, then move to the larger weatherproof durable greenhouse kits and plans.
Please note that this post does contain some links to Amazon where I do make a small commission from sales. This doesn’t cost you any extra and some of the greenhouses below I’ve purchased and had experience using.
Portable & Mini Greenhouses
We’ve had our mini greenhouse for 8 years now. While the plastic cover definitely needs to get replaced and I think the zipper broke a couple years back. It’s been great for hardening off trays of seedlings outside or using inside to start seedlings with grow lights (we use the Sunblaster ones, one on each row). You can buy a 2-tier, 3-tier (which is the one we have) or 4-tier. I wish I had purchased the one with the extra row. The downside to this mini greenhouse would be what you can grow in it, the shelves mean no tall plants like tomatoes. We use it inside to grow microgreens in the winter months and it’s become super handy for seedlings.
The Mini Greenhouse Below is Truly Mini!
Super cute from Ikea which you and buy here. Again there are limitations to what you can fit in here.
Easy Portable Pop up Greenhouses
The flower house has great reviews and is super easy to set up as it just pops open! It also comes in a few different sizes which you can see and buy here.
Small Greenhouses
The above greenhouse is a small walk in one that’s easy to assemble. The only downside is that because it’s lightweight, if there’s nothing inside it I could see it blowing down. It’s also the type of greenhouse that needs to be put away for the colder snowy winter months if that’s your weather. This one you could fit a couple of pots of tomatoes inside, unlike the other mini greenhouses that only have shelves. You can learn more about this greenhouse and buy it here.
Multiple small greenhouses from Costco.
Small Greenhouse Kits
The kits below are larger greenhouses that come with instructions so you can build them yourself. If you’re super handy and can build your own DIY I’ll share some greenhouse plans further down the post.
10’x 10′ Small Greenhouse from King Canopy
Hobby Greenhouse from Palram Nature Series
Walk-In Tunnel Green House from Best Choice
DIY Greenhouses & Greenhouse Plans
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Geodome Greenhouse that the Northern Homestead built. She shares the step by step plans too on how to build your own.
Here are some people that have shared how to build your own DIY Greenhouse & Greenhouse plans
- 42 Best DIY Greenhouses from a Piece of Rainbow
- 3 easy DIY Greenhouses for $300 from Treehugger
I am an urban farmer in Chicago looking for ways to extend my crops during winter. I love all your great ideas for season extension. I am ready to invest in a large DIY kit. I will review the links you’ve suggested
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