Green vegetables are some of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. Often the deeper the green, the more health benefits they will have.
I love creating healthy meals with greens and our kids love this simple them, too.
The Healthiest Green Vegetables
This list of healthy greens comes from this CDC study.
These healthy greens are super easy to grow and cost a lot at the store.
Even if you’re lacking in space, you’ll be happy to know that many of these green veggies you can grow in containers! Most of the leafy green vegetables can even handle, or even prefer, partial shade.
However not all green vegetables are 100% green in color!
Many of the leafy green vegetables can also be a mix of other colors, usually purple or red.
For example a lot of kale varieties are dark green, others are purple or tinted blue-green. While I love vibrant and colorful vegetables like purple ones, green vegetables have a lot of offer and our family eats a lot of them.
Some of them you may not have tried, like beet greens or turnip greens.
I wrote this inspiring guide on growing greens year-round indoors & out that you can get for only $2.99
- Learn how grow salad leaves & baby greens year-round!
- Greens are super easy to grow and expensive to buy. They’re worth growing in your garden or even in containers.
- This 60 pages guide will teach you how to understand your climate and grow the right greens for the right season. Learn what greens can handle summer heat and which ones can be harvested with frosts and snow. You’ll also learn how to grow microgreens and lettuce indoors!
- Learn how to start your seeds indoors or sow your greens outside. Achieve year-round success with special planting techniques and smart garden planning to get the most yield in your space.
- You’ll learn the seasonal flow from early spring overwintered greens, to using season extenders, growing greens in the summer heat and even into the frosts and snow of fall and winter.
Happy healthy eating & growing!