Homestead Weekly Menu Planning {FREE PRINTABLES}

Freshly Harvested Produce

I love staying organized and anything that helps me is a bonus.

Our family started trying to live more frugally the past few months, and one thing that really helps is weekly menu planning. Instead of just going to the store and carelessly buying anything, figuring out what we’re going to eat for the week has really helped to reduce monthly grocery spending.

Of course, when you grow food or keep chickens, have a dairy animal or your own meat your weekly grocery store list is reduced with what’s seasonally available on your homestead.

Garden/Farm to Table Weekly Homestead Organization

Not only do homesteaders use and have fresh ingredients, but we also tend to make things from scratch (bread, snacks..etc.) a lot more often which means purchasing things like flour or sugar in bulk to reduce weekly purchasing. For that reason, I’ve included a ‘Homestead Pantry’ where you can fill in bulk items and a ‘Preserved’ section for anything home-canned, frozen, or dehydrated. Your Garden/Farm to Table lists include ‘Farm Fresh’ (eggs, milk) and ‘from the Garden’. As a homesteader, you can look at what foods you have seasonally available before making your weekly meal plans.

The weekly meal planning includes a section for ‘Make from Scratch’ as well as any weekly ‘Fermentation or Preserving’ that needs to be done because homesteaders make a lot of foods or drinks themselves.

Varieties of vegetables

So here are some freebie printables to help your family figure out your weekly menu planning based on what you have in your garden or on your little urban/large farm.

Click the links below for your Free PDF files to Print

–> Homestead Weekly Meal Planning


Seasonal Menu Planning {FREE PRINTABLES} for Homesteaders

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