Growing Fava Beans and Recipes

Fava beans love cool weather, grow fast in the spring, and are ready by mid-summer.

They can can even be overwintered in warmer growing zones. Fava Beans have no cholesterol, very low-fat content, and are high in protein which makes them great to grow. Like other legumes they help to restore the soil and have large roots full of bacteria nodules to increase soil microorganisms. They are often used as a cover crop, green manure, as well as a nitrogen fixer. Plant in fall to overwinter and create fresh organic matter or to get a head start on early protein for next season.

Growing Fava Beans (Broad Beans): A Great Protein Source

Growing Fava Beans

Broad beans are a member of the pea family, and are one of the oldest known cultivated plants. Broad beans are also known many other names: fava beans, Windsor beans, faba bean, and horse beans. Follow along with this handy How to Grow Broad Beans and grow food this summer.


Season & Zone
Season: Cool season
Exposure: Full sun
Zone: Hardy from Zone 3 to 11

Direct sow October/November in mild winter areas. Direct sow February to May in other areas. Tall, soft plants won’t withstand winter well. Optimal soil temperature for germination: 10-21°C (50-70°F).

(Heirloom ‘Crimson’ Fava Bean is gorgeous with purple flowers)

Heirloom 'Crimsom' flowered fava beans

Use a broad bean or combination inoculant to provide a source of nitrogen. Sow seed 5cm (2″) deep, 15cm (6″) apart in double rows 23cm (9″) apart. Germination takes 10-14 days, depending on conditions.

Ideal pH: 6.0-6.5. Enrich the soil with compost prior to planting. Keep overwintered plants weeded. Provide stakes or strings between rows to stop plants from falling over.

Pick when the pods appear plump and begin to droop from the weight of the seeds. Shell (like peas) and cook or use in soup. For dried beans, wait until the pods start to shrivel. Caution: some people are highly allergic to broad beans.

Diseases & Pests
When black aphids appear in May/June pinch off the growing tips on which the aphids feed. Spray the plants with blasts of water to dislodge remaining aphids.

Companion Planting
Excellent for fixing nitrogen in the soil. Avoid planting broad beans near onions.

Fava Bean Recipes + How to Grow Fava Beans

Fava Bean Recipes

Most people take off the outer skin of fava beans as they taste better. For years I’d boil them, strain them and take off that outer layer by hand. Then I found out you can save the stovetop hassle by freezing them instead using this method.

Fava Bean Recipes (+ how to grow fava beans)

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